Why Are You So Quiet?

It is a question that is rarely asked, indeed there many who would consider it disrespectful; many who would be offended.  

Despite this sentiment, introverts are often asked its inverse: ‘why are you so quiet?’.   

A question that captures a concerning attitude to introversion, across society, as something that is outlying – abnormal, even. 

Yet, 25 – 40% of the world’s population is introverted, which begs the question: why has this idea become widespread?  

Most obvious is that extroverts make up a majority of the world’s population (50 – 70%), and, since they thrive in social settings, they are more suited to leadership positions – in both corporate and democratic roles.  

As a result of this there is a bias towards extroversion that has permeated every facet of our society, often in ways we fail to notice.  

Students are expected to contribute in lessons, and many schools even grade pupils on their participation.  

People are turned away at job interviews for being ‘too quiet’, regardless of their capability.  

Even then, most well-paying jobs do not require the introspective ability that comes naturally to introverts, but rather interpersonal skills.  

While these may seem innocuous, they reflect a broader issue – introverts, from schoolroom to office, are at a disadvantage.  

Penalised for not being an extrovert.  

There are people who would defend these systems as not being limiting, but benevolent – a way to encourage introverts to ‘come out of their shells’. But what, exactly, does this mean? 

That introversion is a flaw?  

That introversion is an inferior mindset? 

That introversion needs to be cured?    


All this argument does is ignore the real issue, that the modern world is structured to the detriment of up to 40% of its population.  

All this argument does is suggest that it is introverts who need to change, who need to adapt. When, in reality, it is society that must change.  

Change so that it can accommodate all its members. Change so that the needs of introverts are no longer an afterthought. Change so that no one is asked again – ‘why are you so quiet?’ 


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