Tips for good mental wellbeing
It’s easy to feel stressed with exams and homework so it is so important to look after your wellbeing. Here are a few tips I feel really help me feel calm if I’m ever stressed.
Spending time with loved ones.
It is so important to spend time with friends and family as it gives you a break from pressures.
Go for a walk as fresh air is good for a wellbeing, especially if you feel stressed or worried. Taking your mind off revision through reflecting by having a walk is something I really recommend.
Have a good night sleep to ensure you feel well rested to improve wellbeing.
Meditate. This improves your calmness, so I really recommend if you feel stressed. There are loads of playlists or videos you can listen to on Spotify or YouTube.
Speak to someone you trust if you feel nervous or stressed- remember, a problem shared is a problem halved. They can offer help and can make you feel happier.
Take time for yourself. At the end of the day, your wellbeing is the most important so taking time to do things you enjoy is so important.
Keep organised by making lists so things are more manageable, and so you can prioritise what you need to.
I hope these helped and if you need further support then click the link below for websites to help.
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By Isabel Cooper